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Available Now in Downloadable Book and CD Format

A Universal Spiritual Approach to Counseling
which Focuses upon Processing, Healing, Transformation and Problem Solving, Utilizing Spiritual Tools, Listening and Feedback, Prayer and Meditation, Goal Setting, and Effective Scheduling

Available Soon in Video Format

So why spiritual counseling, you may be asking yourself?
Well, it's very simple. Most of us know down in our hearts that paying attention to our "spirits" is a very good idea. We know that we feel better when we do so. For some of us that might mean going to church or worshipping in some form. For others that might mean praying or meditating, or simply taking better care of our bodies, minds, hearts and souls- or, all of these.

We know when we finally get the 'umph' to do this, how much better we feel…
We know how much more connected to ourselves, God, our self and our loved ones we feel. We know that we somehow feel more "in tune." And, wonderfully, when we are "in tune," things often just seem to go better in our lives- we are in balance, and everything seems to flow! We are able to listen to the Divine better, understand ourselves better, and understand the direction which feels right for us to go in our lives. Further, when we do achieve this balance and connection, if difficulties come our way, we can handle them much more easily.

So why is it that so many of us seem unable to create, discover, or stick with any sort of significant spiritual practice, or even to consistently look at ourselves and our world with spiritual eyes?
Keeping this question in mind, why not seek some counseling to help us discover some wonderful spiritual tools which will help us structure our seeking of the spiritual in an effective manner? Why not seek counseling to help us learn to "do our spiritual work," and to discover and embrace the life immersed in spirit which is right for us?

Spiritual Counseling helps us to understand fully that doing our "spiritual work first," is the key to success, service, happiness and fulfillment of all kinds in our lives. Once we understand this, surely we will not fail to do this spiritual work! Won't you come and discover your true self, your connection to God (as you conceive of God) and to your fellow men and women on this wonderful journey known as Spiritual Counseling?

Click Here for Excerpts from the Book

Spiritual Counseling with Michael

Soft Cover Book

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