Helping you Achieve...
Growth, Fulfillment & Happiness
Home Study Courses, Live Lessons and Sessions,
and Programs for the Elderly.

Let Versatile, Experienced, Patient and Friendly Teacher,
Performer and Author Michael D. Purvis...

Gain Confidence, Fulfillment and Musicianship!

with Michael
Children, Youths, Young Adults and Adults who are in the Indianapolis area
can schedule live sessions with Michael at his home.

$18.00 per lesson
(Sliding scale is available for those with special financial circumstances.
Contact Michael for details.)

Here is What you will Learn
in live Piano Lessons with Michael:

Goals for Piano
(Children, Youths, Adults and Seniors)

1. Learn the basics of music, musicianship, musicality
2. Learn using the excellent, sequential James Bastien Series with the guidance and instruction of Michael Purvis
3. Learn the notes of the treble clef (usually played with the right hand)
4. Learn the notes of the bass clef (usually played with the left hand)
5. Have assignments each week in each of four books which include:
Piano Book
(introduces new concepts and skills each week)
Performance Book
(piano pieces for you to play implementing these concepts/skills)
Technic Book
(increases your technical dexterity and skills)
Theory Book
(teaches you the "language of music")
6. Play Duets with your teacher
(Bastien series features this fun and instructional activity)
7. Use supplemental books
(Hymns, Christmas, pop, jazz, etc.-
books with these sorts of songs are available to supplement 4 basic books)
8. Use supplemental tools to help you learn the piano (Note chart for keyboard, flashcards)

Michael Purvis

About Michael
and his work

A letter from
as Teacher

A letter from
as Life Coach

Visit Michael's
other sites
and blogs...
and discover
all he has
to offer to you
and to those
you love!

To Schedule Lessons Contact Michael:
By Email


You Can Learn to Play Piano,
with Michael! Series

Four Volumes of Piano Instruction
Home Study Materials

in CD, Cassette, Video, and Book with FREE offer: Price for entire series reflects volume four as FREE!

Volume One
Who is Michael? The Basics of Music & Piano, Getting Familiar with the Keyboard

Volume Two
Review of basics of Music and Piano, Learn to Play Notes in Treble and Bass Clef

Volume Three
Review Basics of Music and Piano, Learning Chords on the Piano, Major, Minor, Augmented and Diminished Chords, Chords in Inversion

Volume Four
Review Basics of Music and Piano, Learning to Play Chords and Melody Together, Playing well from Melody and Chord Symbols


Please Note:
It is strongly recommended that students/customer buy the book and CD together for each volume, as they complement each other. The student will want to be looking at their book as they are listening to the recordings or watching the video. Michael, as their teacher, leads viewers/readers through the books via the recordings and videos - so both the book and the recording/video are integral to the learing experience.

About Michael | A Letter to My Students | Blogs, Sites and Pages | Piano Lessons
Guitar Lessons | Singing Lessons | Music Composition | Life Coaching
Spiritual Counseling
 | Creative Cocoon | Live Music Programs
Books, Recordings & Videos | Praise for Play Sing N Dream | FREE STUFF!
Links to Other Sites | Contact Play Sing N Dream | Home Page


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