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This book has become a synthesis of many of the things I have absorbed and found to be true, a synthesis of much that keeps me walking on the road towards love. If I visualize the creation of this book, it is as though I see myself walking down the road, traveling toward Oz or some other yearned for mythical city. Then I see myself pause, sit down beside the road on a large comfortable boulder, and jot down what I have found to be most helpful and beneficial on my journey.

The stopping and taking stock is so important for all of us. I hope my words are inspiring for you. Keep what resonates with you, set aside what does not; but file what does not resonate right now away in your heart and mind, for you may find some of it useful at a later date in your life. I know that this strategy has proved beneficial to me in my own reading and study.

I do sincerely hope that you will add your own truth. If you want to scribble your own thoughts in the margins, go ahead. I won't mind! We are all writing a book together, you know. I think each of our lives is a chapter. Somehow it all fits together. I hope you enjoy this account of what I have learned in my own little chapter, my own experience of life. Digest it, scribble notes, agree, disagree- discourse is good! That’s how we learn. It isn’t antithetical to love. We must all allow each other to learn, grow and perceive in the way that’s right for each of us.

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A Little Book of Wisdom

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