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Excerpt from Book:




Body of the Book
"The Forty Ways"

Remember that what happened in your past is not who you are…
Strive for balance of body, mind and spirit in your life…
Ask God what you need, and what changes need to be made…
Set aside a time for prayer/meditation each day…
Be silent every day for a time…
Connect to the earth every day…
Study often. Seek God as you conceive of Him or Her…
Talk with God often in your own way about
your intentions, prayers and dreams…
The Universe is like a mirror…
Wish no one ill…
Send love to those you have trouble with…
Strive not to be attached to results. Limit reacting.
Strive to be at peace…
On change…
We are swimming in God and God's Love...
Time does not exist for God in a linear fashion...
When you ask something of God, ask carefully…
Ask very completely and clearly…
Don't listen to "that won't work" negative thoughts…
In all aspects of this change,
ask that there be peace, joy, balance, safety and stability…
State your request as if you already have it…
God will make it grow
Saying your intentions, affirmations, etc., out loud is important.
The spoken word is powerful!
The power of "I am …."
Visualize what you ask for
If you want a soulmate, partner, or spouse…
On career
If you are not at peace, manifest a new way of living…
Whatever we do is holy, if we treat it as a prayer…
Reduce noise and distractions in your life…
Watch and listen for God always…
Relax! Release fear and anxiety!
"The Kingdom is within"
We can be channels of love and healing for ourselves and for the world.
On love and fear
Is fear and evil real?
We can vanquish fear and its component evils.
Spiritually, we have everything we need right in our own back yards!
About this jump we are about to make in human evolution…
Why haven't we thought of this before?
We can never do anything which will make God not love us.
God will never push us away or leave us in a place of torment.
On Near-Death Experiences (NDE)
So why do we stray away from love to begin with?
Shall we not align ourselves with God and His love?
What those who have had Near-Death Experiences
overwhelmingly report…
Changing our inner or outer world is up to us.
God leaves the decisions up to us.
Transformation, growth and abundance can seem quite dramatic…
We cannot live in this transformative, abundant, love-filled energy of God unless we release fear and all its baggage.
As individuals, we can shine the light of love on all that fear creates.
The tiniest bit of light eliminates darkness.
God says to us every day, every moment (if we will but listen):
"I am light. I am what is real…."
And God has one thing more to tell us:
"When you are finished spinning your wheels in illusion, we will create great beauty and abundance…"
This planet will transform.
The human species will transform.
Many humans are waking up.
Old paradigms and hierarchies no longer work….
Spiritual energy is rising in us and in our world like never before…
This is the time to…!

In closing…

Appendix A
List and Description of Illustrations

Appendix B
A Listing of Abundant Change Books and Recordings
Music-Outreach Nostalgic & Uplifting Books & Recordings
Published by
Music-Outreach Publishing
And available through
AbundantChange Books & Recordings


It has taken me a long time to come to the conclusions and questions listed above. I had to learn many lessons during the course of my life's journey, lessons which would prepare my spirit to be planted in the ground of love. I am still learning! Sometimes, like the rest of humanity, I take one step forward and two steps back. Yet I do believe overall that I am growing; and I am listening for God's voice, the voice of love.

Perhaps as you read this book you will remember things you have learned in your own life-journey. Perhaps you will want to jot down your own realizations. I encourage you to do so! That's how this book began, with stopping to take stock of things I have learned and jotting them down.

This book has become a synthesis of all I have absorbed and found to be true, a synthesis of all that keeps me walking on the road towards love. If I visualize the creation of this book, it is as though I see myself walking down the road, traveling toward Oz or some other yearned for mythical city. Then I see myself pause, sit down beside the road on a large comfortable boulder, and jot down what I have found to be most helpful and beneficial on my journey.

The stopping and taking stock is so important for all of us. I hope my words are inspiring for you. Keep what resonates with you, set aside what does not; but file what does not resonate right now away in your heart and mind, for you may find some of it useful at a later date in your life. I know that this strategy has proved beneficial to me in my own reading and study.

I do sincerely hope that you will add your own truth. If you want to scribble your own thoughts in the margins, go ahead. I won't mind! We are all writing a book together, you know. I think each of our lives is a chapter. Somehow it all fits together. I hope you enjoy this account of what I have learned in my own little chapter, my own experience of life. Digest it, scribble notes, agree, disagree- discourse is good! That's how we learn. It isn't antithetical to love. We must all allow each other to learn, grow and perceive in the way that's right for each of us.

My greatest hope is not that you will come to believe just as I do, but that you will come to feel that your own journey's lessons are important, to you and to our planet.

I hope this little book will become a spring-board for taking stock of your own life: where you are, what your truth is, and where you are going. I send you my prayer that you may always be headed in the direction of love. Or perhaps more accurately, my prayer is that no matter what occurs in the course of your journey, you may know that your constant partner on the road is God, who I believe is the spirit of love.

Many truths and realizations can help us toward this knowledge. And I believe that when we learn to live fully in this knowledge, we will be truly happy, and most abundantly blessed.

So let's begin . . .

©2001, Michael D. Purvis
70 page book with many beautiful color illustrations by the author,
or read by the author on CD or Cassette



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