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Available Now in Downloadable Book and CD Format

Helpful Spiritual Tools to Help You Call Forth
Your Highest Good

Volume 1
Mandalas for Manifesting Your Highest Good

Available Soon in Downloadable Video Format

Contents of Volume 1:


Original Introductory Music

What is a Mandala?

Lets Compare Mandala- making to other
Spiritual Tools in our Series…

Mandalas compared to Affirmations
(the Spiritual Tool we Focus on in Volume II of our Series),
Mandalas Often Contain Affirmational Language, but Add the Elements of a Pictorial God Symbol and Artwork

Mandalas Compared to Prayer
(the Spiritual Tool we will Focus on in Volume III of our Series),
Mandalas may be Considered a Sort of Prayer, and May be Used in Prayer or with Prayer. They contain, However, a Central God symbol, which we Actually Pictorially Depict, Rather than Simply Visualize, as we Might in a Prayer. When Mandalas do Contain Printed Wording, we Often use Affirmational Language and Address our Higher or Inner Self/God/the Universe- whereas the Traditional western View of Prayer has been one of Supplication to a Separate God

Mandalas Compared to New Thoughts
(the Spiritual Tool we will Focus on in Volume IV of our Series):
Let us think of New thoughts as raw material for any the spiritual tools in our series: Mandalas, Affirmations, Prayer.

How I First Learned to Make Mandalas, and the
Importance of Being A Life-long Mandala-maker

About the Importance and Usefulness
of Making Mandalas: they Work!

How to Make a Mandala:
A God Symbol, A Combination of Words & Artwork, Using the Right Wording

Thanking God in each Mandala:
You can Thank God at the Top, at the Bottom, or with each Sentence!

Sing or Say your Mandala out Loud

An original musical interlude

Six Sample Madalas for Use or Adaptation*

An original musical interlude

Six Sample Mandalas for Use or Adaptation*

Original closing music


A Listing of Abundant Change Books & Recordings
& Music-Outreach Nostalgic Books & Recordings
Published by Music-Outreach Publishing

*I present to you many of my own personal mandalas, and adaptations based upon them. You will see some repetition of themes and words, since these samples (or the original mandalas I have based many of the samples upon) were created as I steadily worked toward some personal goals. Please let these examples serve as a guide for you to create your own mandalas, which will help you manifest your own dreams, as you work toward your own spiritual and temporal goals.

Excerpt from Book:

What is a Mandala?

So just what is this thing called a mandala? You've heard the term bandied about in spiritual circles, but just what is it? Where does it come from?

Let us do as the classical Greek scholastic model would suggest and define our terms.

This seems just the thing to do, yet it is not as easy as it sounds, in the instance of mandalas! My trusty, tattered, 1960's encyclopedia, beloved information source of my childhood, does not even have a listing for the term mandala. Nor does my huge old Webster's Dictionary, believe it or not.

But with a little digging in various places, I found some interesting, rudimentary information about mandalas. You should know, as a part of the historical background information concerning mandalas, that the word mandala comes from Sanskrit, and means:

a circle, a polygon,
community and connection.

A mandala is a pictorial representation of a palace of the mind or spirit. It is designed to be meditated upon, and the palace contains representations of objects, which in turn represent things the meditator, or seeker, must learn as a part of his or her journey to enlightenment.

Mandalas are associated with Buddhism, in particular Tibetan Buddhism. Perhaps you have been lucky enough to see one of the beautiful sand paintings that Tibetan monks make; or just maybe you have been blessed to see Tibetan monks creating one of their beautiful mandalas made of colored sand.

If you would like to learn more about the history of the mandala, and its uses yet today, I suggest doing a search on the internet, where you will find all sorts of interesting information about the mandala, complete with diagrams, pictures, detailed descriptions, etc.

I personally was first exposed to mandalas and their power to manifest dreams and desires based in love, in a wonderful Mathew Fox workshop about fifteen years ago. You may recall that Mathew Fox, a former Catholic priest, is the rather famous proponent of Creation Spirituality and the Via Positiva. His theology so upset the Vatican, that he was silenced. (Power to the people always upsets those in power, I fear!)

I, for one, found Mathew Fox's workshop enlightening and quite useful. Learning how to make a basic mandala in the workshop was a turning point in my life. I have been making mandalas ever since, and have added my own variations and additions to the basic mandala-making technique.

In the workshop, I learned to simply take an ordinary sheet of paper, put a God symbol in the center, and then place symbols for things which I was desiring or dreaming of around that God symbol. In subsequent sections of this book I will tell you exactly how I have adapted this basic technique to form a wonderful tool, which you too can use to manifest positive change, wonderful love, beauty and fulfillment in your life!

©2003, Michael D. Purvis



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