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Available Now in Downloadable Book and CD Format

Helpful Spiritual Tools to Help You Call Forth
Your Highest Good

Volume 2
Affirmations for Manifesting your Highest Good

Available Soon in Downloadable Video Format

Contents of Volume 2:


Original Introductory Music

What is an Affirmation? Let's Compare Affirmation
to other Spiritual Tools in our Series…

Affirmations Compared to Mandalas:
Affirmations are Similar to Mandalas (the Spiritual Tool we Focused on in Volume I of our Series),
but in Words and Minus a Pictorial God Symbol and Artwork

Affirmations Compared to Prayer:
Affirmations are in Reality a Form of Prayer. They are a very Special Form of Prayer which can accomplish some Amazing Things. No Matter what sort of Affirmational Language we are Comfortable with, this Tool helps us to Think in New, Non-linear Ways, Opens us to Manifesting our Dreams in Bigger ways than we Imagined Previously, Taps into Miracle Power which can become Part of our Everyday Experience, and Helps us to Trust God (as we Perceive of God) in New and Radical Fashion

Affirmations Compared to New Thoughts:
Affirmations are a Kind of "New Thought." By their very Nature, in Affirming, we say Things to God, and with God in a "New" Way. The "New Thoughts" which we come Across in Reading or Study, Record in our Journals, or Incorporate into Poetry or Writings can Easily become Affirmations.

About the Importance and Usefulness of
Making Affirmations: they Work!

How to Make an Affirmation:
The Importance of the Right Sort of Language/Wording
Don't Forget to Thank God in Each Affirmation, or even after each Sentence!
Thanking God in each Affirmation: You can Thank God at the Top, at the Bottom, or with each Sentence!
Sing or Say your Affirmation out Loud

An Original Musical Interlude

Sample Affirmations for Use or Adaptation:
Featuring Appropriate Language: "I Ask, I Allow, I Thank…"

An Original Musical Interlude

Sample Affirmations for Use or Adaptation:
Featuring "Affirmations Addressed to God:"*

(Many of Us Feel Most Comfortable with this Approach. Let us not quibble over Eastern Non-Separation and Western Dualism! The Important Thing is to Affirm in the Way in which we Feel Most Comfortable.)

An Original Musical Interlude

Sample Affirmations for Use or Adaptation
Featuring "Affirmations for a New Life!"*

Original Closing Music

Other Books and Recordings Published by Music-Outreach Publishing

*I present to you many of my own personal mandalas, and adaptations based upon them. You will see some repetition of themes and words, since these samples (or the original mandalas I have based many of the samples upon) were created as I steadily worked toward some personal goals. Please let these examples serve as a guide for you to create your own mandalas, which will help you manifest your own dreams, as you work toward your own spiritual and temporal goals.

Excerpt from Book:

About the Importance and Usefulness of Making Affirmations:
They Work!

Well, the proof is in the pudding. Indeed, affirmations work. I know this from experience. I have used them consistently for years, with astounding results.

When I go back through my piles and stacks of affirmations, it amazes me that nearly everything on each sheet of affirmations has come true, consistently and in a timely fashion. Many times, the things I am affirming or asking for have come to pass amazingly quickly. And why not? If, as I have said before, if we are asking for things which increase love in us and in our world, why would God/Our Higher Power/The Universe not grant these things?

Need one say more?

Try affirmations. They are a wonderful spiritual (and practical) tool!


Love and Evolution Motivate me Toward my Highest Good.

Love and evolution motivate me toward my highest good. I am evolving; thus I help the world to evolve, for I am connected to all I see. I open to the joy this engenders for me and for all whose lives I touch.

I am this thing I desire for the sake of love. I live, breathe, move, and swim in God's love. God, who is in and all around me, sends a miracle, right now! (Or, another way for me to understand this is: I recognize, I acknowledge the miraculous God power in and around me. It was in and around me all along. It will be in and around me always.)

God, who is in and around me at all times, protects, helps, strengthens, and increases life! Higher Self guides. Holy Spirit heals. And thus, my contract with God (those things I agreed to do here on earth before I incarnated) is even better fulfilled, as I grow and evolve.

I am this thing I desire for the sake of love. I am daily more filled with love. I daily radiate more and more love. I am love. I am peace.

God and I are as one.

Thank you, God!

Affirmations for Use or Adaptation:
Affirmations Addressed to God

Many of Us Feel Most Comfortable with this Approach.
Let us not Quibble over Eastern Non-Separation and Western Dualism! The Important Thing is to Affirm in the Way
in which we Feel Most Comfortable.

We can address the Infinite as God, Higher Power,
Higher Self, the Universe-
it matters not!

The important thing is that in some way, in a way in which we feel comfortable, we make the attempt to connect with this great loving power. Quibbling over terminology, theology, all sorts of "ologies"
has gotten us nowhere but a history of planetary bloodshed.
Further, on the personal level, this conflict has succeed
in making many of us afraid of God.

Let be afraid no longer!
God is Love and God is approachable!
Believe this, approach, and watch with joy, delight and wonder
at what happens in your life!


All Shall be Well
(and since time is not linear) All is well!

I affirm that all shall be well and all is well in terms of my peace of mind…
As the old spiritual saying goes, "All shall be well." Nothing can harm, rankle, and upset, because I am one with God, and God is Love. I remain calm and at peace at all times. I choose peace at all times.

I affirm that all shall be well and all is well in terms of balance in my life…
Positive, healing, peaceful, gentle change brings more balance in my life - more time for: my partner and I, for work, rest, creating, play, recreation, prayer, and spiritual growth. My goal in life is to serve God, my fellow being within a framework of balance.

I affirm that all shall be well and all is well in terms of healing…
I am healed in body, mind and spirit. My mind, heart, body, nervous system, emotions, and soul are calm. I live without fear, anxiety, worry, or depression. I am the embodiment of calm, peace, joy at all times.

I affirm that all shall be well and all is well in terms of my work…
that without my life being thrown out of balance, my work and projects are a great success. I endeavor to do my work with care and make of it a prayer. I send it to God as my offering. I do it with love.

If I cannot see right now the way in which my work might help or benefit others, God now shows me the way. I know with confidence that at the very least (and this is no small thing!), no matter what, my work can be a benefit to others in the following fashion:

I affirm that when I do my work with the proper attitude, I am dedicating it to God, and this makes it a sincere loving prayer! And since I am connected to God and my brothers and sisters, through this prayerful attitude to my work, I am sending love and care out into the world.

So let me do my work with love and care, as a prayer- and if there is a further way I can serve God and my fellow men and women with this work, God now reveals it, and I am listening. If it is best for me to try some new work which benefits and serves others more effectively, I am open to that too!

I affirm that all shall be well and all is well in terms of my relationship with my partner, spouse, significant other…
___________ and I are now and continue to have a very holy and beautiful relationship. We allow each other to be where we are, and balance each other perfectly. We take joy in our differences. Our life together is calm, peaceful, joyful, abundant, holy, loving.

I affirm that all shall be well and all is well in terms of my ability to listen…
I am a good listener: I listen, ask thoughtful questions, think- then speak with fewer words (and more carefully chosen ones).

I affirm that all shall be well and all is well in terms of my relationships…
I am at peace with all and everything. I let go of my fear of people and situations. I send love healing and peace to the following persons whom I have previously had trouble relating to. I open to receive their love in return:
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I affirm that all shall be well and all is well in terms of my continued effort to release fear in myself…
I stop fearing that things will fall apart or bad things will happen. I affirm God is bringing my greatest good to me now.

I affirm that all shall be well and all is well in terms of my continued effort to grow, evolve and fulfill "my contract"…
I wish to learn what I came here to earth to learn. I wish to give what I came here to give. Through my efforts, and even my failures, I am learning, growing and evolving. Even when I am discouraged, and feel I have failed, I am still on the right track if I have a sincere heart, and continue to try to learn "why I came" here, if I continue to try to fulfill the purpose of my earthly journey.

It is a given that I will have to discover my purpose and struggle a bit to fulfill it. I cut myself a little slack. I congratulate myself for the bravery and perseverance I have shown thus far. I thank God for this journey and rededicate myself to learning and serving with each day. It's a process, and it takes time.

I affirm that this is ok, good, and all apart of my journey!

I affirm that all shall be well and all is well in terms of my life proceeding as it "should" and my needs being met…
No matter what choices I make, God can turn what I have done into something good. Even if I make a "mistake," God and my Higher Self know how to take what I have done/created and point me in just the right direction to make something wonderful. And in the process, if I am in touch with God and my Higher Self, then all is well and my needs are met!

God and my Higher Self know just what to do! They know all my needs and help me to meet them easily and joyfully, as I serve God in the work He/She has given to me.

I plan and undertake the perfect actions and endeavors according to the inspirations, intuition, synchronicities God sends. I ask Divine help in these plans and undertakings. I leave myself open, however, should God have a better, more efficacious, quicker, more abundant plan than what I am considering or undertaking!

Thank you, God!

© 2003, Michael D. Purvis.



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