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Available Now in Downloadable Book and CD Format

Helpful Spiritual Tools to Help You Call Forth
Your Highest Good

Volume 4
New Thoughts for Manifesting your Highest Good

Available Soon in Downloadable Video Format

Contents of Volume 4:


Original Introductory Music

"New Thoughts" Defined

Let us Relate "New Thoughts" to other Tools
we Discuss in our Series

About the Importance of Listening for God in
our Hearts, Spirits and Prayers

An Original Musical Interlude

Writing Down New Thoughts/Ideas you Have or Come Across,
Guidance you Receive from Within, Wise Words you Encounter…

A Musical Metaphor

Six Steps toward:
• Playing Well the Instrument which is us and is our Lives
• Meeting and Living in the Presence of our "Great Friend"

Ok, So the Musical Metaphor and the
Great Friend Seem very Convincing, but…

I'm Awfully Busy, and all this Recording of New Thoughts
Sounds Pretty Time Consuming!

How Can I Make this all Practical so even I can do it?
• Be a Good Scribe
• Do More than Just Keep a Recorder Handy, and Record New Thoughts. Try a Highly Successful and Motivating Format- a Recorded Journal! Keep a Tape Recorder Near you, or Buy a Pocket Tape Recorder- for a Journal Anyone has Time to Keep!

We are all Artists and Writers…
Something Close to When Philosophers are Kings…
And God Always Says "Yes?"

Maybe We Just Need to Learn to Ask!

An Original Musical Interlude

Sample New Thoughts for Use or Adaptation* Subject:
Intention is so Important!
Know What you Desire, ask Carefully, Think of all the Ramifications- but Ask!

An Original Musical Interlude

More Sample New Thoughts for Use or Adaptation* Subject:
Let Spirit Think, and Open Yourself to God's Voice

An Original Musical Interlude

Some Sources and Examples of New Thoughts Arranged by the Month
Excerpts from Companion Keepsake Booklets
by Michael D. Purvis

Original Closing Music

A Listing of Books and Recordings
Published by Music-Outreach Publishing

*I present to you many of my own personal mandalas, and adaptations based upon them. You will see some repetition of themes and words, since these samples (or the original mandalas I have based many of the samples upon) were created as I steadily worked toward some personal goals. Please let these examples serve as a guide for you to create your own mandalas, which will help you manifest your own dreams, as you work toward your own spiritual and temporal goals.

Excerpt from Book:

"New Thoughts" Defined:

We have new thoughts all the Time! We encounter new ideas quite frequently. But are we paying attention? Do we notice all the little and big synchronicities (Jung's term for meaning-fraught coincidences which have importance to our spiritual growth) taking place in our lives? Think of the increased opportunities for noticing new thoughts, ideas and synchronicities which exist all around us nowadays in our increasingly smaller and more technology-based world! Are we taking advantage of these opportunities for insight, personal and spiritual growth?

This book will suggest a few ways to utilize and understand the importance of "new thoughts" to each of us and to our world. Paying attention to and utilizing these "new thoughts" is one of the most important and effective ways we have available to us to manifest the highest good for ourselves, those we love, and our world.

Let us Relate "New Thoughts"
to other Tools we Discuss in our Series:

We humans may be "made in the image of God" as traditional Christianity says. Or, perhaps we are not separate from God at all, as more Eastern or New Age views assert. Either of these paradigms are viable points of reference, and millions of souls throughout the earth base their conception of themselves, their conception of God, and their relationship to God upon them. Yet, no matter which paradigm we might we might ascribe to, New thoughts and ideas can help us grow in mind, body and spirit!

Though paying attention to new thoughts and ideas, we provide ourselves with enhanced raw material for any of the other spiritual tools in our series, which include: mandalas, affirmations, and prayer.

How is this so, you may ask?

Well, new thoughts and ideas help us to make the pictorial representations we utilize in making mandalas. In new thoughts and ideas, we have, too, wonderful, insightful material for writing affirmations. And, certainly, we have in them as well, the catalyst for meaningful prayer experiences, which might include: conversation with, communing with, listening to, supplication to, or co-creating with- God!

This book will suggest a few ways in which we can utilize new thoughts and ideas in helping us to manifest the highest good for ourselves, those we love, and our world.

An Example of Being open to
"New Thoughts"
(from Volume Four)

I wrote this in one sitting, just letting God speak through my pen…This was for me. Why don't you try writing one for you!

The Perfect Schedule and Balanced Life
I Now Envision

Daily Prayer and Affirmation:

I am open to receive and allow from within the new life God now sends to me quickly and easily. I now receive my perfect unhurried, quiet, calm, balanced, healthy and prosperous life, which I share, lovingly with my beloved, my spouse, without difficulty.

I now work at home creating recordings, videos and written materials which incorporate my writing, singing, playing and performing skills. These creations spread quickly throughout the country and the world, providing comfort, healing, peace and inspiration to the elderly, the sick, the lonely, the dying, those in hospital and hospice.

I am ready.

I release ambivalence.

God now sends a smooth, speedy, easy shift to this new way of using my talents and abilities to help others. I continue to be an open channel for God's love to pour forth to others in this new way. Likewise, I am an open channel for prosperity and abundance. Only good love, healing, prosperity and abundance and love through me and to me.

This new life and work comes now and comes quickly through God's miraculous power and I am aware always how much He loves me and blesses me daily. I am calm, peaceful and thankful in my heart at all times. My life is in perfect flow. All flow is unimpeded.

My motivation comes from God and His love at all times. God prospers my life the growth of my heart and soul and provides for my needs at all times.

I am prosperity.
I am abundance.

I release all fear and put my trust in him.

I allow that my demeanor, mode of living and relating with my world and my fellow creatures becomes one of calmness, gentleness and nonjudgmental.

Each day I am:

Tending to my home with my spouse
Serving my spouse
Being calm and quiet
Working calmly and diligently
Resting fully

My life is in perfect balance.

I am in perfect balance.

I open to receive my perfect good.

My body, mind and spirit are in perfect and complete balance and wholeness. I am healed, peaceful and whole. I am swimming in God's love. I am God's love.

I am.

I allow.

I open to receive God's Holy blessing. I thank God in and around me. God protects me.

God now sends the time, the health, the funding and the way for me without difficulty to write and record the programs, make "keepsake newsletters," make the labels and packaging, send out the mailers, negotiate, catalogues, churches and nursing homes who want materials and to get the tapes made and sent out.

Thank you, God!

I work diligently on my poetry and composing and recording of my original songs. These materials help others and inspire others too and are a source of abundance for my spouse and me. God blesses and prospers all this work and these endeavors right now.

Thank You, God.

This work and these endeavors bless, comfort and heal all those whom they reach and touch.

Thank you, God!

I am open to God's continued protection, blessing and expansion of this work. All throughout the process, God keeps my life quiet, calm, unhurried and in perfect balance.

Thank you, God!

I am rested and nourished in body, mind and spirit at all times throughout this process.

Thank you, God!

God knows all my needs. I know all my needs: temporal, body, mind and spirit are met during all phases of my life.

Thank you, God!

Throughout this change and in all future changes in my life, I am unhurried, calm, rested, peaceful, listening, prayerful and confident that God is always with me. I am always with God.
Thank you, God.

I release all negativity and fear which blocks the channel in me God has created to pour forth His love to others.

Thank you, God!

I am not afraid to open myself. I open myself only to God and love and their holy fruits. God protects me. Nothing that is not of God can enter me or my life or my spouse's.

Thank you, God!

I give myself permission at all times to sense and to know the sort of life I need, which is healthy and beneficial to my soul, body, mind and spirit.

Thank you, God!

When I allow myself to receive what is best, most nourishing and healing to my body, mind and spirit, then I can truly be the best, most unblocked channel for God's love to pour forth.

Thank you, God!

At this point, God took over and started guiding my pencil...

We Need Not Believe that if we are not Suffering Sufficiently, we are not Serving!

"…if we are not suffering sufficiently, we are not serving."

God's Voice, referring to the above sentence:
This is not God's way. This is fallacy. This is not healthy.

God's Voice continuing:
Listen to God.
Listen to your soul.
Listen to yourself.
Get quiet.

You know what your soul needs to grow just like the plants. You need food, sunshine, water - in just the right amounts. You are a special plant. Each one of you is different like no other. Really, it is okay to tend yourself. For when you tend to yourself, it is I tending to you. You and I are one. I am the Master gardener. You and I are one.

Go ahead. Be the Master gardener in your own garden and help others to tend theirs as well. Water and fertilize them when they cannot do it for themselves. If I tell you to tend to yourself or tend to another, it is no different. You, me, them, we are one and the same connected - all love.

Water, love, tend to it. It will grow. Transplant it, turn its pot
but listen to your own inner sense as a gardener. Yes, you can learn to garden from books, but mostly the Gardener just "knows" what to do. It's an inner sense - like no other.

Really, it is okay to tend yourself. When you tend to yourself, it is I tending to you. You and I are one. I am the Master gardener. You and I are one. Go ahead. Be the Master gardener in your own garden and help others to tend theirs as well. Water and fertilize them when they cannot do it for themselves if I tell you. They call it a "green thumb" except everybody does have as "green thumb." You just have to listen and trust and do what your instincts tell you. That instinct is my voice. It's your voice.

Put your heart and your motivation firmly rooted in Love and you can't go wrong. Stop being afraid of the devil. Shine the light of love on him and "poof!" "Boo!," he scatters away and vanishes when the bright light shines upon him. Trust in love. Trust in Me. You will know what to do. It's all a process.

Different things are right for different times in your life - just as the plant needs different food and water in different seasons. It's natural. It's okay. Stop worrying and punishing yourself. My Voice is here when you need me.

©2003, Michael D. Purvis



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